To our residents and family members, 

We want to provide you with an update regarding our facility’s visitation guidelines. The safety and wellbeing of our residents, employees and our visitors is our top priority. We are doing what we can to limit the spread of COVID-19 within the facility. Please see the following visitation guidance: 

We do not restrict any visitations at this time. In an event of an outbreak, we will provide notification regarding the facility’s updates and any changes in our visitation guidance. We will allow in person visitations regardless of the visitor’s vaccination status. We also have virtual communications available in an event that a family member is unable to visit their loved ones.

We encourage that all visits be pre-arranged to provide our team sufficient time to ensure that all preparations needed for your visit have been completed such as disinfection and cleaning of designated visitation areas, and replenishing our PPE supply and other sanitation needs. Please visit our website at to schedule your appointments or you may call the facility at 310-829-5377 and our receptionist can assist you with any inquiries on how to book your visitation appointment. Any visitor entering the facility, regardless of their vaccination status must be screened for fever and COVID-19 and or other respiratory symptoms, wear appropriate facial covering and perform hand hygiene in the facility. We would require all of our visitors to comply with our infection prevention and control program to ensure the safety of our residents, employees and our visitors as well. We require the following from all of our visitors:

Upon entry and exit, we require that all visitors be screened by the front desk for fever and a completion of a symptom-based questionnaire. If a visitor is symptomatic upon screening or has been in close contact with a confirmed positive case, the facility would have to reschedule the visit and a follow up from our Infection Preventionist will be completed. Please be informed that further information may be requested for contact tracing.

A visitor’s name tag will be provided by the receptionist post screening at the front desk. All visitors must keep their name tags on at all times;

Proper PPE use is required at all times during the visitation in all areas in the facility especially our resident care areas.

We may prohibit entry for any visitor that will be observed non-compliant with our infection prevention and control guidelines.

For compassionate care visits such as end-of-life care and or designated essential caregivers, please feel free to call the facility to inform us of your visit so we may make arrangements as necessary.

All visitors should maintain 6 feet or more of physical distancing. Fully vaccinated visitors of fully vaccinated residents may have brief, limited physical contact with the resident (e.g. brief hug, holding hands).

RESIDENTS IN GREEN ZONE. (Residents who do not present with any symptoms and have continuously been testing negative with the COVID-19 surveillance testing). Visits for residents who share a room will be conducted in a separate designated visitation area by our lobby. If/when possible, we may allow in room visits with the roommate not present in the room. Please feel free to inform us of any accommodations you may need and we will gladly assist you.

RESIDENTS IN YELLOW ZONE EXCLUDING SYMPTOMATIC RESIDENTS. (New admissions, readmissions, dialysis residents and or chemo infusion residents). Full personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided and must be worn inside the room for the duration of the visit. We only allow a maximum of one (1) person for every visitation period to maintain proper social distancing during the visit.

Note: All transportation personnel excluding EMS must wear a respirator and eye protection when coming in to resident care areas. PPE supplies will be provided upon entry to the facility post check in and screening. We encourage frequent hand hygiene and increased disinfection of transportation gurney and supplies. EMS are not required to be screened but must wear a mask when coming into the facility. 

Special circumstances.

    1. Only service pets are allowed in the facility for entry; 
    2. Children of ages 12 and below may be allowed entry and must be supervised at all times. No COVID-19 testing will be required for visitors of ages 12 and below but we encourage that children be assisted with hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and maintaining social distancing; 
    3. Cloth masks may be allowed only for visitors ages 12 and below; 
    4. To minimize transmission of COVID, we only allowed food to be brought in if essential to the resident’s recovery. 
    5. Visitors are permitted from 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. as long as they do not have any COVID symptoms. Visitations are allowed for the green, yellow, and red zones. Extra guidelines might be applied depending on the LA County tier. Please reach out to our facility for more information: (310) 829-4565.